Saturday, 1 February 2014

Stress Less & Update


I thought I would get back to the subject of amenorrhea since it has been a long time since I last posted about it as a quick sort of update.

My aim was to recover as soon as possible, gain weight in order to restore my normal hormone levels and assume my body would get back to normal. Things are still the same since October 2012, which I find a bit odd. 3-4 kilos and a year and three months later, nothing has changed apart from the fact that I get a bit more hormonal now than what I used to - which funnily enough I have to count as a positive! I went on the pill for three months just to see if that would trigger my body to respond, which it did, but as soon as I stopped taking them - it went back to normal, unfortunately.

A part of me tells me that it might not have to do with the working out and running now as much as it did before. Amenorrhea can also be triggered or go into "standby" if you are stressed though, and I have been stressed out a lot over the last year due to numerous reasons. I feel a lot healthier as far as my diet goes, and I also make sure to care more about the food I eat, ever-looking for inspiration and new ideas. As far as the blogging goes, I enjoy it more than ever, and I love when you drop by and give me feedback - sometimes giving me helpful advice - thank you so much!

And...if you happen to have any good advice as to how you relax at the end (or even better during!) the day, please feel free to share - I would definitely appreciate it big time! And I also reckon other readers could find it helpful.

Sometimes, you don't take note of these little underlying things that cause you to worry, but once it piles up - it isn't hard to tell at all. It's good to be a little organised, and try and work on ticking off little to-do boxes in order to keep everything up to date.

As far as working out goes, make sure not to over-do it, because then you are more likely to get fed up after not long, and motivation can sink. Find something that YOU enjoy doing, don't try and manipulate yourself into thinking you like it just because everyone else for example seems to be attending the gym instead of going hill climbing, or taking a ride on your bike.

Don't over-think what you're eating, aim for your 5-a-day and get enough protein! Through a varied diet and portion control, you will get all the nutrients you need. Make sure to eat every 3-4 hours to keep your system working, and allow yourself to indulge every now and again. Food is meant to be enjoyed, and you don't necessarily have to count your calories. In fact - I wouldn't advise it at all, unless making sure your body is getting enough fuel. 70-80% of your diet should consist of primarily healthy foods, then the remaining 20% you can do as you please with! That's a handy thumb-rule to go by I think!

I had to feature this little guy - too cute! And most certainly relaxed *winks*

If you find yourself a little overwhelmed, try taking a couple of hours to yourself, draw a bath, read a good book, or cook up a nice meal. You don't always have to be on the go, or run... Peace of mind is necessary for your mental and physical health. So relax - it's Saturday!

All the best!

- Jules

PS. All the pictures in this post are taken from Google Images, all the pictures of the food I make are taken by myself.


  1. Haha, jammen har vi skrevet om det samme i dag? :) 80% sunt og 20% annet kan jeg leve med. Jeg er normalvektig og trener vanlivis 4 ganger i uka, og jeg koser meg med sjokolade hver dag. Det er liksom min balanse.

    Det andre du skriver om er helt motsatt for min del. Litt personlig å skrive om, men jeg får faktisk behandling nettopp for å IKKE få tante rød på besøk. Blir sykmeldt 2-3 dager i måneden, jeg. Når det gjelder stress anbefaler jeg mindfullness og avspenning gjennom yoga. Har selv lært å ta "mikro-pauser", hvor jeg slapper helt av. Det kan være snakk om sekunder eller minutter, men det gjør underverker i en travel og noen ganger stressende hverdag :)

    1. Hehe ja, så dette her, hadde nemlig skrevet et utkast på jobben hin dagen skjønner du! Trening og sjokolade pluss litt mindfullness høres ut som en fantastisk kombinasjon! :D Er viktig og minne seg på og ta det heeelt med ro med jevne mellomrom!
      Håper behandlingen din går bra, vet det er en litt personlig sak, men så savnet jeg nettopp gode kilder til informasjon når jeg ble "syk" da, og tenkte at og skrive om det litt innomellom kunne gjøre jenter med samme problemene obs på at de ikke er alene om det. Det er visstnok et ganske vanlig problem, men selv hadde jeg ikke hørt så mye om det selv!
      Tusen takk for gode ord Maria :) x

  2. Kjempeviktig at folk tør å snakke åpent om ting som kanskje er litt skummelt å snakke om. Spesielt hvis f.eks. fastlegen tilfeldigvis er en skjeggete mann på over 50, da leter du kanskje etter informasjon et annet sted :P

    1. Haha, ja sant? Tviler på at de vet sånn heeeelt hva det går i! Føler også at fastleger ofte vet veldig lite spesifikt, eller "a jack of all trades, master of none", må jo alltid bli sendt til spesialister og så videre, da er det greit og kunne finne gode resurser når man venter! x
