Sunday, 11 September 2016

Vegan Chickpea Burgers

Hey and happy Sunday!

It has been a busy one, and we got to start making things in college on Friday! I might feature a few pictures at the bottom of the post. I am loving it and being creative again makes a world of a difference!

But! One cannot go on and try and be a champ running on no fuel, so let's make some burgers. These are super simple, and really delicious - I can only thank Sue for this recipe. Follow the link below for more of her fantastic recipes!

Vegan Chickpea Burgers
(Makes 5-6 patties)

400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 bay leaves
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp salt
1 tsp dried rosemary or thyme
1/2 onion, finely chopped + dash of oil
3 tbsp tomato sauce (ketchup, passata, pasta sauce etc)
1/2 cup wholemeal flour

To serve:
Cheese (optional, make sure you pick a vegan one for vegan)
Relish or burger sauce

- Start by having the herbs and spices along in a pestle and mortar and crush until fine.

- Lightly fry the onion in some oil for about 5 minutes until soft.

- Mix the spices, chickpeas and onion and blitz with a stick blender until you have a rough sticky dough. Fold in the flour, and shape into patties.

- Fry or grill on either side for a good few minutes until cooked through, and serve with your favourite burger accompaniments!

PS Don't eat the googly eyes!

I just made these farls tonight as well, and I am beat! After a quiet but productive weekend, and not getting much sleep last night - I am going to watch some Community and have an early night.
Today we went on a trip to Ikea and got a few little bits and bobs for the flat, and we enjoyed some food there! Yes, I am Scandinavian and thus I cannot help but feel the magnetic force of the odd canteen in a furniture shop.... Plus, the vegetarian dishes there are actually quite tasty!

Some of my makings from last Friday in college:

Have you been up to much this weekend?

Original source:

- Jules


  1. Så flink du er med blomster. Jeg gikk faktisk på blomsterdekoratør i ca et halv år etter 'tegning form og farge'. Det var ikke noe for meg, dessverre, så jeg avsluttet det studiet. Det ser ut som du har mer tallent enn meg ;)
    God søndagskveld til deg Julie ♡

    1. Awww, visste ikke at du har drevet med slikt! Men det ser ut som du tar med deg kunstformen i maten du lager, livet du lever og alt omkring det - det stråler!
      Tusen takk for fine kommentarer, og god kveld til deg også :) <3

  2. Hei du! Trenger tips til spisesteder i Skottland :D Vet du om noe i Aberdeen? Eller evt noen kjeder som har grei veggismat? Skal en eller to turer over dit i oktober:)

    1. Heisann du!
      Hmmbor selv i Glasgow som er nærmt Edinburgh, har vært i Aberdeen et par ganger og det er veldig fint der! Om du har tid burde du dra ned til pieren i Old Aberdeen - er ikke så langt og såvidt jeg husker kan du gå bort :)

      Når det gjelder veggismat så er de ganske så flinke her, men jeg har ikke vært på noen skikkelige spisesteder i Aberdeen dessverre... *gjør et kjapt Google søk*

      TripAdvisor sier du burde gå til disse plassene:

      Gosj, ble sulten jeg nå! x

  3. These sound soooo good!! I love any kind of veggie burger - a chickpea recipe sounds great!

    1. You and me both! These were ridiculously simple to make, and great to just prep the day before if you're short on time after work! I hope you like them Katrina :) x

  4. I just noticed this, I'm so glad you liked these, I'm still waiting for McDonald's to break down and offer a veggie burger!

    1. GOOD veggie burgers hopefully. I haven't been to McDonald's since I was 13! But these were fantastic, and my boyfriend loved them too :D Thanks again for the recipe, I will definitely make these again :) x
