Monday, 18 August 2014

Fruit Nut Chocolate Nuggets

Y'know when you crave something sweet but not an entire billiongramchocolatebar? Those days? Yeh, well let me give you the answer to that - chocolate blobs! Or well...not blobs as such more like...uhm... Right, lets just say fruit nut chocolate nuggets! There..much better, and so the name of these things came to be!

Delicious bits of sweet, chocolate covered goodness, mmmm...

Fruit Nut Chocolate Nuggets
(Makes about 8 pieces)

50g fruit and dried nut mix
30g dark chocolate, chopped
1 tbsp xylitol or sugar (icing sugar will do!)
1 tbsp coconut oil
40g light cream cheese

- Have the fruit and nuts ready! Ready? Good, here we go!

- Take out a small frying pan and put it over loooow heat, have the coconut oil, sweetener and chopped chocolate and stir until it's all melted, add the cream cheese and stir through.

- Once the mixture is fairly free from lumps, take it off the heat and stir through the nuts and fruit.

- Have a plate with either non-stick baking parchment or tinfoil over it and place 1 teaspoon of the mixture at a time onto the plate, one nugget done! And about 6-7 more to go. Pop in the freezer for about half an hour and keep cool before serving. Eat immediately, as the coconut oil does tend to melt quickly!

Fingerlickin' good - and hopefully you approve too *smiles*

Recipe by yours truly, inspired by the interwebs,

- Jules


  1. Mmmm, sjokolade! Så søte små 'nuggets'- elsker det ordet! Så lenge det ikke er kylling involvert ;)
    Jeg tar faktisk frem dagens første sjokoladebit nuh! Nettopp ferdig med yoga og lunsj, og skal kose meg siste rest av S sin sovepause.
    God dag til deg :)

    1. Mmmm du vet og kose deg og gjøre det og få det meste ut av dagen :D Selv var det quizzing og cafê besøk på meg i går, i dag blir det en rolig kveld ^ ^
      Og sjokolade nuggets, kan vel ikke bli bedre enn det? Hihi x
