Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Chai Banana Bread

Good morning, and happy Wednesday. Has the week been good to you so far?

I was to the dentist yesterday (stupid wisdom tooth is being none-the-wiser and giving me grief! Hopefully it'll be better in a couple of days' time...) aaaand my friends and I won the pub quiz, so it has been a mixed week to say the least, but over-all a sociable and good one, and the weather has been magnificent, sunshine all around!

It had been forever and a daaaay since I had made banana bread. I came across a recipe for CHAI bananabread, and I had no option - I had to make this!

I used xylitol instead of sugar to make it a little lighter, but you can of course use brown sugar instead!

This is super simple, and the key to any good banana bread? To cook it over slightly lower heat and do NOT open the door to the oven until it's ready, as then you might risk it to turn to mush, and we don't do that. You can serve ths simply topped with an icing sugar glaze, or serve it topped with some butter and perhaps a little bit of syrup or a sprinkle of sugar? Delicious!

Chai Banana Bread
(Makes 1 loaf)

It literally only needs a slab of butter, if even that! And perhaps a drizzle of honey or syrup if you have a bit of an extra sweet tooth!

3 ripened bananas (spotted/slightly brown), mashed
2 heaped tbsp Greek yogurt or quark
3 tbsp butter
2 large eggs
1/2 cup xylitol/sukrin gold or brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups wholemeal flour
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp allspice
Cooking spray/oil (I used 1 tsp coconut oil)

Optional glaze:
1/3 cup icing sugar (or sukrin icing sugar)
1 1/2 tsp milk/lemon
Few drops vanilla extract

- Pre-heat the oven to 160°C.

- In a baking bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients well, then add your butter, vanilla extract, yogurt, eggs, and mashed bananas. Stir well to combine.

- Grease a normal loaf tin with cooking oil (coconut/sunflower/rapeseed), before pouring the batter into the tin or dish. Place in the middle of the oven and bake for 60-65 minutes.

- Take out on a rack to cool (still in the tin) for at least 10-15 minutes. I am a little too impatient to let it cool almost completely.

- Drizzle over the icing sugar glaze, or simply serve on it's on with butter and sugar or syrup on the side, and enjoy!

Pre- and post-glaze, both delicious!

Have you ever tried to make banana bread but adding something extra? This here was the first one of mine apart from the normal banana bread I usually make (SO good with walnuts added!). I hope you have a great day *smiles*

Original source:

- Jules


  1. Bananbrød er jo så godt!
    Husker eg lagde masse av det før (kjøpte alltid for masse bananer som starta å bli overmodne, perfekt å lage bananbrød da!) - men no er det jammen lenge sida sist :) Håper du får en fin Onsdag Julie :D

    1. Kanskje på tide og røske opp i gamle smaksminner? ;) Overmodne bananer = de beste bananbrødene! Naturlig søte og gode! Ønsker deg også en super dag Linda! x

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks again for the amazing recipe Katrina :D I saved a few slices in the freezer for a rainy day ^ ^
      x J

  3. Mmmm SÅ godt dette hørtes ut! Du lager virkelig så mye fristende Julie! Kan tenke meg at det luktet helt himmelsk hos deg da dette sto i ovnen.

    Usj, tannlegebesøk er ikke noe særlig. Men det må til. Burde ta meg en tur og sjekke hvordan det står til snart, jeg også :)


    1. Dette var utrolig godt, krydrene satt ekstra god smak på brødet ^ ^ Men har enda igjen og prøve det rå banan-brødet ditt, det får bli neste gang :)

      Håper du har en koselig aften Ragnhild! x

  4. Yay banana bread! People in the US go crazy over this stuff lol! Chai banana bread sounds like a total winner to me!! I'm going to save this recipe for when the in laws visit in August, I know they'll love it.

    Sorry to hear about your wisdom teeth! I had to have all of them removed about 2 year ago and I had he most miserable two weeks of my life! I hope you won't need surgery - ugh!!

    Thanks for this lovely recipe, Jules :)

    1. Yay indeed! :D
      The spices in this totally added that little bit of extra comfort, and I am sure it will go down with the in-laws no doubt!

      As for my wisdom tooth, it seems to be all better now, I justhope it wont act up in the future. At least you don't have to worry about that any more ;) Hugs from Glasgow xx

  5. This is basically me in a recipe! Banana bread is my all time favorite baked good, and now you've combined it with my favorite drink (chai!). Must try! :)

    1. Ah, yes I am a big lover of chai tea, the spices and the milkiness is just TOO good! :) As for the recipe, you better thank Katrina over at Warm Vanilla Sugar for that, but at least I've tested and hiiighly approved of it :D I hope you're having a great week so far Melissa :) x
