Friday, 14 February 2014

Crunchy Honey & Almond Pear

Was your favourite restaurant fully booked today? Or maybe you have planned a romantic meal at home, or perhaps just fancy a quick, snazzy looking dessert?

How about a delicious fruity dessert with a bit of a crunch? Instead of cornflakes, I only had "fruit and fiber" so I used that, still ridiculously tasty though!
If you're not too big on the strong honey flavour, why not try with acacia honey, or syrup?

It would be perfect as a three-course dessert since it is a light dish, and very sweet! For turtledoves and singletons alike!

Crunchy Honey & Almond Pear
(Serves 1, or 2 if served with icecream)

1 pear, cut in two lengthways
A bit of butter for spreading
A drizzle of cinnamon or pumpkin spice
10g cornflakes
1 tbsp sliced almonds (I chopped up three sugared almonds)
1 tsp honey

- Start by pre-heating the oven to 200°C.

- Slice the pear in two lengthways, and use a knife to criss-cross the surface of it. Spread with butter and sprinkle a little bit of cinnamon or pumpkin spice across is, and bake for about 5 minutes.

- In a small bowl or cup, mix together cornflakes, almond and honey, set aside.

- Take the pear out, and scoop out the centre of the pear, fill with the honey and almond crunch, and bake for a further 5-10 minutes.

Serve on it's own, or with a little bit of yogurt or whipped cream on the side, perhaps a little bit of icecream?

Secondly, I thought I'd put up a picture of my breakfast for the occasion:

The picture on the left depicts how I personally feel about Valentines (in short: not a fan, some good experiences, but mostly bad ones!) The second picture is a savoury breakfast waffle (or what was left of it) that I served with cream cheese and smoked salmon - divine! Treat yourself, it's one of those day!

Original source:

- Jules


  1. Wow, vaffel med laks? Det er en kombo jeg aldri har tenkt på, kanskje burde prøves :)

    1. Ja, det var faktisk utrolig godt! Middags/frokostvafler er en lur idê :D
      Du kan jo sjekke ut oppskrift på fullkornsvaffel for mer "salt" pålegg her:
      Takk for at du stakk innom :) God søndag! x
