Saturday, 6 August 2016

Fluffy Apple & Streusel Muffins

A Taste of Madness is safe to say one of my favourite blogs. Cathleen posted some wonderful Pear and Streusel muffins the other weeks - and I simply had to try them!

The weather last week... wasn't the best, so why not infuse the flat with cinnamon? Yes, please!

Instead of pear, I opted for apple since I already had them at hand, but I will make these time and time again - varying the fruity fillings! I can imagine adding sliced almonds to them as well, y'know - just to be fancy!

Fluffy Apple & Streusel Muffins
(Makes about 15)

2 cups flour (I used spelt)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
A good pinch salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup soft butter
1 cup sugar (I use Half Spoon)
2 large eggs, lightly beat
1 apple (or pear), cored and finely diced

For the Streusel (where the magic happens)
1/3 cup sugar (preferably brown)
1 tbsp flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1-2 tbsp butter, melted

- Pre-heat the oven to 180C.

- In a bowl, apart from the sugar - mix together all the dry ingredients and set aside.

- Cream butter and sugar until it goes white, and then add your eggs, and vanilla extract. Make a well in the dry flour mix and pour in the butter. Stir well to combine before adding the apple and fold in gently, set aside.

- Mix all the ingredients for the streusel, until you have a crumbly or smooth mix (it really doesn't matter the consistency as it will almost sort of caramelise in the oven - yum!).

- Divide the muffin mixture between 15 cupcake cases (the larger ones you get, fill them up about half full). Then spoon over a little bit of the streusel on each. Place in the middle of the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes (mines took 20 minutes) until a toothpick comes out clean when you check it. Leave to cool slightly before serving. These are almost like a single serving cake, and when I bit into them, I though "This'd be amazing with ice cream!". So by all means... mmmm add ice cream on the side!

Today - I am currently in the middle of a MASSIVE cooking mission, because I am having a charity Foodie Fest to support Red Cross. I received the recipe pack and spices a few weeks ago, and noticed only one out of five recipes were veggie. When I mentioned that to Red Cross, they were really helpful and gave me ideas for substitutes for the meat - and you know what? All the food that I'm making will be vegan! Hopefully I get a few snaps of the dishes before they disappear, so far it all seems pretty tasty! I will keep you posted! Tomorrow, needless to say I will do nothing... Yesterday I went to see Suicide Squad with my boyfriend, it was really interesting to see a movie with no "good guys" and I enjoyed it, although the special effects was maybe a little too much - but cartoons were always about the POW and the SWOSH weren't they? Part of the charm methinks!

How is your weekend going so far?

Original recipe

- Jules


  1. Så deilige og høstlige muffins. Jeg elsker høsten! Alltid litt vemodig når sommeren går mot slutten, men bare frem til jeg husker at det er høsten som kommer :) Så kult med Foodie Fest!

    1. Tusen takk! Foodie Festen var spennende, og selv om jeg tjente inn like mye til Røde Kors som jeg hadde brukt på matvarer, så var det stas med besøk :)
      Disse muffinsene var helt super! Og holder seg i lufttett boks i iallefall fire dager, og smaker like godt dag for dag :) Mmmm høsten er koselig, er den gufne vinteren jeg ikke er så ihugga fan av!
      Håper du har hatt en tipp topp start på uken! x

  2. Så deilig!!! Jeg skal faktisk straks bake banan-bokhvetemuffins til lille S som han skal få med i barnehagen i morgen :) Det er hans favoritt nemlig! :)

    1. Mmmm banan muffins er digg! Kan sikker bruke eple i samme oppskriften også :) Baking er så kos på dager man har god tid :) Akkurat nå nyter jeg stillheten i leiligheten, og putler litt med ting her på interweb'en :) Håper du har en nydelig aften :) x
