Sunday, 1 May 2016

Veggie BigMac

I have not been to McDonald's since I was 13. It is true! Somehow I made that decision half my life ago, and I still remember the last thing I had there was a strawberry milkshake...

The other week, my boyfriend said - here, wanna try and make a veggie Big Mac? Instantly I though, hmmm seems a big controversial in a way, but then again - why the heck not?! I was a picky eater up until about 7 years ago, and my dad once said to me that I would eventually start eating the burgers with everything on it - even the pickle and mustard that I once got him to scrape off with a napkin every time they had forgotten my little special order of "ketchup only" on my Happy Meal burger. Sorry McD-staff, I was one of those annoying little buggers...

Veggie BigMac
(Makes 2)

4 peppers Quorn steaks
4 leaves of iceberg lettuce
4 slices of cheese (we used smoked Austrian cheese)
3 sesame buns (use two bottoms and one top for each burger to get the two layers!)
For the famous BigMac sauce:
4 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp French Dressing
2 tbsp sweet pickle (we used Branston's)
1/3 medium onion, grated
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt

- Start by frying the veggie steaks as instructed on the package, in the mean time - combine all the sauce ingredients together and keep aside in a bowl. Season to taste and add a little bit more mayonnaise if necessary!

- Once the burgers are done, toast the buns lightly, and start stacking! Bun - lettuce - steak - cheese - sauce x 2, top off with the lid, et voila!

I must admit, I only had a mini Mac with one layer, cause it was SO filling! Tasty though, mmmm! And it is a nifty recipe to have for a burger dressing sauce *smiles*

Recipe for the Big Mac sauce here:

- Jules


  1. Wow, this looks amazing!

    Also, seriously? Since 13? That's amazing! I go once every couple months, but it is usually to buy coffee or tea. Definitely need to try this sometime!

    1. Hey, thanks Cathleen! :) Heheh it is just a different way of introducing vegetarian food to someone, turning unfamiliar into familiar in a way - and I cannot say I minded the least, so tasty!
      Yeh, I haven't been since I was 13, I have no clue how it started, heh! Once every now and again isn't bad though, but it can be fun to try and re-make it at home :) I hope all's well with you :) x

  2. Så heldig kjæresten da ;) Dette ser jo helt ekte ut!!
    Jeg har faktisk kun spist en burger på McDonalds, og det var en cheese burger da jeg var ca 10 år. Falt ikke i smak for å si det sånn ;) Og så ble jeg veggis et par år etterpå, så jeg prøvde meg ikke på mer mat der.
    Håper alt er bra med deg. klem

    1. Hahah kompromiss burger trenger ikke smake kompromiss for og si det sånn ;) Han digget det iallefall, og jeg likte den grådig godt også :)
      Alt bra her du! Bare veldig travel, og jobber sene dager denne uken, så blir mindre tid til bloggen. Håper du har en finfin uke så langt, og en god 17. mai i vente! xx

  3. Wow, for en burger! Haha :-D Veggisburger er bare best ;-)

    1. Tusen takk Maria :D Dette ble bra altså :) God helg! x
