Thursday, 10 March 2016

368 Days a Vegetarian

..... and I am in no way turning back!

OK, so I was perhaps missing smoked salmon for the first eeeeeight months or so, but now I have sort of waned myself off that, and ALL is well!

Health wise, I cannot say I feel any different, my weight hasn't changed much - it went up a little in the beginning, because I wasn't quite sure where to start, and ate mainly quite starchy foods - but I am still searching for that fine balance, tweaking a little as I go along.

I am not one to preach, telling others what is the right way of living. The other day however, I saw someone posting a video on facebook about how baby chicks are brought up in thousands.... Living their too short lives in too small a space, with death creeping up a little too closely... Of course there are other poultry breeders who might treat their chicks with more care, and to them I am grateful! But to see even a fraction of it being such a fowl business, I am happy to be a vegetarian in that respect as well as other, more personal ones!

Greek Rosemary Potatoes with Feta
, Happy Veggie Burger and PB & J Smoothie

Culinary, I have had to teach myself how to substitue animal protein with others, however I still eat cheese and eggs (I know the topic of welfare might cross your minds here as well, but Ido not know enough about the dairy business to comment). I feel that vegetarian dishes oftenasks for more care and attention, and other flavours that to normal every day dishes, you might not have used otherwise. I've gotto try a lot of new foods, which is really awesome!

Berry Terrine feat. Banana, No-Bake Walnut Florentines and Martha's-Style Quinoa Salad with Sweet Potato & Broccoli

Pasta with Artichoke Sauce, Gado Gado Salad and Milk Chocolate Covered Marzipan Cake Marbles

Meat cravings? Nope, I didn'thave any of that... Only for seafood, but then again I am Norwegian, so I suppose that goes without saying really!

The most asked questions I have had are:
Do you still eat fish? (Nope, pescetarians do!)
B-but....but bacon! (Totally fineby me not to have bacon anymore, a full veggie breakfast? Sign me up!)
How can you be vegetarian?! (More the sceptics, I just shrug and say that I just didn't really fancy eating it anymore!)

Spanakopitta, Deli Portobello Sandwiches and Tear'n'Share Cinnabons

Warm Quinoa & Roast Butternut Squash Salad with Walnuts, Wicked Patatas Bravas, and Carrot & Banana Bread

Thankfully we live in a time where being vegetarian doesn't mean that you have to cut back on the nutrients your body needs. There are so many meat substitutes, as well as natural options - like nuts, seeds, legumens, and eggs and cheese for vegetarians, but you also get vegan cheeses too, which seems to become more and more popular!

Nut Roast with Roast Potatoes & Carrot Sauce, Grilled Two Cheese Pepper or Avocado Sandwich and Curried Carrot & Artichoke Soup

As for eating out, in a city like Glasgow here, it really isn't a challenge. There are loads of all-vegetarian restaurants, and some bars, where they ensure that all their drinks also are vegetarian or vegan. When it comes to eating at friends - just let them know before-hand, and if they seem a little daunted by the thought, or had plans of cooking something containing meat, just ask what they are having and offer to bring something similar along for yourself so they don't have to worry about it! It only takes you about half an hourto rattle up something decent, and it saves them the hassle. Honestly though, I have only had positive experiences! Once at a friend's and his parents', they were having a "Roast Chicken Sunday", but then offered to make me spaghetti with pesto, and I got the veggie sides that had been roasted separate from the chicken - score! Not to mention, I love pesto!

Soba Noodles with Aubergine & Mango, Honey & Garlic Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Creamy Vegan Veggie Soup

, Avocado & Cucumber Gaspacho and granny's delicious Mazarin Cupcakes

Anyway, a year and counting - and I am looking forward to continuing my meat-free diet into the future *smiles*

What are your views on vegetarianism? Do you only eat vegetarian/vegan or try and at least have one meat free day a week?

A little collection of the dishes made over the past year ^ ^

Soft & Chewy Peanut Truffles, Zingy Grilled Halloumi & Onion and Fragrant Sweet Potato & Tomato Stew with Palak Paratha

Balsamic Pasta, Marzipan Kolibriegg or Humming Bird Easter Eggs
and Creole Aubergines

Artichoke Barley Risotto, Healthy Home Made Bounty Bars and Jaffa Covered Cashews

- Jules


  1. Masse god mat :D

    Skjønner at vi har ganske like tanker rundt vegetarmat! Jeg har aldri savnet kjøtt, ikke en eneste gang. Men jeg har vært borti tanken på sjømat. Allikevel ender jeg alltid opp med at jeg ikke kan spise det og ha samvittigheten i behold. Er allikevel alltid åpen for at dette kan endre seg i framtiden, er ikke så viktig for meg å være bastant. Holder faktisk på å skrive et innlegg om akkurat dette :-)

    Jeg gikk heller ikke ned i vekt på vegetarmat, som mange sier de gjør. Men så hadde jeg heller ikke så mye å gå på da jeg sluttet å spise kjøtt, og ikke noe ønske om å gå ned i vekt.

    Om 1 måned feirer jeg 7 år som veggis :-) Haha, føler meg nesten gammel når jeg kan feire at det er så lenge som 7 år siden et eller annet xD Lykke til videre, håper vi kan inspirere hverandre i framtiden med god mat :D

    1. Hei Maria, og tusen takk for svar!
      Jeg mener at en vegetariansk kost er et personlig valg, de som spiser kjøtt og fisk er det ingenting i veien med, gjorde jo det selv før, men fant til slutt ut at det ikke var veien for meg :)

      Sjømat er sunt og godt, men vet hva du mener om og ha samvittigheten i behold! Fant ut at soltørkede tomater i olje for eksempel var et supert alternativ til makrell i tomat!

      Syv år som vegetarianer gitt, ikke verst! Gratulerer på forskudd :)

      Gleder meg masse til og lese innlegget ditt, du har alltid så mange gode punkter og interessante tanker og masse inspirasjon! :D x

  2. I have been a vegetarian for a long, long time. I became a vegetarian for health reasons. I also reject any and all processed foods with the exception of canned beans and tomatoes. The only pushback I get is from one neighbor because she is always trying to give me processed food. She has quite the nasty comments ready when I politely decline the food. I feel much better not eating meat, poultry and fish. I do eat dairy and eggs, although not too much of it. I'm happy you made it past the one year mark. It's a lifestyle change and I appreciate your recipes.

    1. Hi Patty, thank you so much for your lovely comment! Eating vegetarian certainly is a lot easier on the human body I find, and you never end up feeling as uncomfortable full as you do when eating meats (unless your friends and yourself are throwing a pot-luck and there are just too many delicious vegetarian dishes to resist! Hehe)
      Never mind your neighbour, that is really not fair of them to make comment on your life style, especially not when it is a healthy one! Keep it up :) I'm really happy to hear I can at least inspire a little bit :) *hugs*

  3. Juhuu!! Gratulerer!! Utrolig gøy å lese dette, og å ha fulgt med deg etter at du tok valget. Ikke noe problem å være veggis, og spesielt ikke hvis man liker å lage mat. Maten er jo SÅ god!!Du har laget utrolig mye fristende <3
    God helg til deg :*

    1. Awh, mange takk vennen! :D Ja, du tittet jo stadig innom før jeg ble helt vegetarianer, men laget jo en del kjøttfrie retter da ogå :) Det er så godt, også føler jeg at det ligger litt mer omtanke i vegetariansk mat i hensyn til spennende smaker og forskjellige konsistenser og slikt! Kan definitivt si jeg har fått øynene opp for mye spennende mat etter og ha tatt dette (lette!) valget :D God helg til deg også Ragnhild :D x

  4. I was a vegetarian for around half a year, but I got so skinny that I decided to eat meat again. But I agree, I never had any meat cravings the entire time.

    1. I remember you mentioned that once, it is up to each person - one thing might suit some. As long as you are happy and healthy m'dear! x
