Sunday, 22 March 2015

Zingy Grilled Halloumi & Onion

Sometimes, a vegetarian diet might seem dautning, but then... just remind yourself of deliciously cheesy and fancy sarnies, and all of a sudden you find yourself breathing relieved again instantly - I promise! A couple of extra ingredients and you have yourself a deli-style sandwich at home!

You can grill the onion and halloumi on skewers over an open fire now that it is getting warmer outside *early-barbecue-enthusiasm!!* OR you can grill them in the oven, easy oozey!
I didn't have skewers, nor a barbecue at the time, and thus settled for using the grill on the oven, but it worked a treat!

Now, we have talked about the main part, now for ways of serving it!
The original recipe suggested to serve it in pitta with rocket and a dressing with Greek yogurt combined with crushed garlic.

I however, was feeling a little studenty, and had also bought a bottle of tamarind sauce (the sweet kind) and decided to build myself a fancy-pants "sammich" as I like to call it. Either way, you wont be disappointed - the secret is in the marinade!

Zingy Grilled Halloumi & Onion
(Serves 2)

200g halloumi, diced
2 small onions (red if you've got them), peeled and sliced across so you have pretty rounds

Juice of 1 lime
2 bay leaves, crushed
1/4 tsp allspice
A good pinch of black pepper
1 tbsp oil

To serve:
A) Pita or flatbreads with rocket on the side, and a Greek yogurt + crushed garlic
B) Four sliced of toast (two each), mayonnaise and sweet tamarind or chutney

- Start by combining all five ingredients ifor the marinate in a bowl and have the diced halloumi in, toss gently to coat and let it sit for at least a few minutes (the recipe said at least half an hour, but I am impatient and it ended up tasting delicious anyway *smiles*).

- Now, turn your grill on high, decide whether you wanna put the halloumi and onion rings on skewers or simply on a baking tray. Pour the rest of the marinade over the onions before you pop them in the oven. Grill for 5-10 minutes until the halloumi has a pleasant slightly brown colour.

Q: What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror ?
A: Halloumi! (these jokes are so bad that they are good....)

Serve up with whatever you fancy, and tuck in! I love the zingyness of the halloumi and onion, will definitely be making it again! You can also use it in Caribbean salads for a bit of extra flavour instead of meat!

What is your favourite way of serving up halloumi?

I hope y'all have had a lovely weekend! I myself celebrated a belated St. Patrick's Day yesterday at a friend's after having walked for hours in the park, down by the Kelvin River - zenned out! What did you get up to?

Original source:
Spice it Up! p. 116

- Jules


  1. I love a good sandwich! I remember when I was vegetarian, my sandwiches seriously consisted of cucumbers, cheese and mayo. I was SO boring! If only I saw this back then!

    1. Not a bad combination though, to be fair :) Aaand it's still not too late to gets your paws on this :) xx

  2. Uff, Halloumi er så utrolig godt :( Haha, kunne ønske ost ikke var godt, jeg kan fremdeles få lyst på det, selv etter flere år som veganer.
    Dette ser kjempegodt ut!

    1. Hahah om ost ikke hadde vært godt hadde jeg nok blitt veganer jeg også ;) Men det finnes gode alternativer, gjør det ikke? Som cashew ost for eksempel! Jeg har enda ikke prøvd og lage det :O Men det er jeg nødt til en gang :)
      Glad smørbrødet er Ragnhild godkjent :) Håper du har en finfin kveld xx
