Thursday, 12 March 2015

Fragrant Sweet Potato & Tomato Stew

This week, has been turbulent to say the least, my career took a sudden turn, not entirely out of the blue... but still. A big change in a small life, but it seems like every day since Monday have had a silver-lining of sorts. I am also really lucky to have a solid support network in my friends, they have been there for me more than I would have ever imagined. Soon every thing will be all right, fall into place - I know it! How? Cause my friends assured me *smiles*

A simple dish asking for simple ingredients, but with the humble list of spices it turns into a delightful stew!

I served it with spinach paratha on the side and it worked a treat! I also had a leftover avocado to be used, but you can easily swap this for a courgette or something else really!

Fragrant Sweet Potato & Tomato Stew
(Serves 2)

70g quick-wholemeal rice, cooked
1 onion, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 medium avocado or small courgette, diced
1 sweet potato, peeled and diced
200ml chopped tomatoes
300ml vegetable stock
1 tsp Garam masala
100g spinach

- If the rice isn't cooked, start by doing this. Drain and set aside.

- In a medium large casserole, heat up the oil on medium heat and soften the onion. After about 5 minutes, add the sweet potato, cumin, cinnamon and garam masala and stir for about a minute.

- Now add all the ingredients but the spinach. Cook covered, for about 15 minutes until the sweet potato is tender.

- Last but not least, add the spinach and cover for about a minute. Now, stir the stew until the wilted spinach is well incorporated into the stew.

Serve with good bread on the side!

Yesterday, after a day of running all sorts of important errands in town (OK, not THAT many, but more than one counts as a few at least), a dear friend and I went to visit another lovely lady who cooked up a storm for us! I brought some honey nut snack marbles to have as a light dessert, whilst we were having a little Easter craft night, including watching Black Books, aka being distracted by the show non-stop, I mean, how could you not? It is the best show!

Despite this, I managed to make a little egg-cosy, his name is Ludvik and he is showing off his new Easter shower towel.

I hope you have a lovely Thursday! Any plans?

Original source:
Good Mood Food, p. 19

- Jules


  1. That egg cosy is SO CUTE!!! I didn't even know an egg cosy was a THING!
    Also, what sort of turn? You are making me worried :( But everything will be alright (just adding more support and good energy vibes your way :p)

    1. Hi!
      Haha, I just remember in primary school that we sometimes made egg cosies (I do not however, recall ever using them :P) but this looks like it was made by a youngster really :P T'was funfun!
      Oh, the work situation is sorted out now, I landed a new job that I am started next week, so all is well! It has just been a very silver-lining week with ups and downs of all kinds, thank you so much though :) Good energy vibes has definitely helped as this Friday has probably been the best one so far this year! I hope you have an amazing weekend Cathleen xx

    2. OMG! I am so glad! I was worried! Congrats on the new job! And have an amazing week ahead :)

    3. Awh! It always seems to work out last minute if anything, thanks again :) This week so far has been great! I hope yours has been as well xx

  2. Mmm, så mange deilige smaker!!
    Nå er det lenge siden jeg har fått oppdatert meg på blogger. Har hatt så mye å gjøre, med yogaweekend og kurs og alt. Nå var det koselig å sette seg ned litt og få med seg hva andre har postet de siste dagene :)
    Jeg håper du har hatt en fin helg. Klem

    1. Hei kjære og god søndag! Og vel overstått kurs :) For yoga'en går vel av seg selv du som er så dreven ;)
      Denne gryten var kjempegod, også er det bra når det ikke er så altfor mange ingredienser involvert ^ ^
      Det har vært en turbulent uke her også, men i morgen begynner jeg kurs i en ny stilling som jeg fikk tidligere denne uken, gleder meg!
      Ha en kjempefin natt, og en god start på uken :) xx
