Sunday, 21 September 2014

Creamy Vegan Chocolate Soft Serve

Good morning and happy Sunday!

Need your chocolate fix? Want to be healthy? Vegan? Arenotveganbutwouldntmindbeingadventurousinthekitchen? Need comfort food? Fed up with me thinking of thinks that might appeal to you?

OK, if you wanna tick one of more of these, then you are in for a right good treat, as I have finally come to make a deliciously creamy, chocolatey, healthy vegan soft serve. Let it sit in the freezer for an hour or two longer, and you have icecream!

It's easily doubled, tripled, or made up for a crowd - but maybe in the latter case DO share some with the others, yeh?

This recipe ticks off THREE (yes, three!) of tour five a one serving, and is deliciously cocoa-y (because sometimes that is a word). Four ingredients, a bowl and a stick blender - it's all you need *smiles*

Creamy Vegan Chocolate Soft Serve
(Serves 1)

1 medium banana, peeled and chopped
1 medium avocado (about 100-150g)
5 dried dates, torn into pieces
2-3 tbsp cocoa powder (unsweetened)

- Simply have all the ingredients in a bowl, and whizz smooth with a stickblender. Now you have a sort of vegan chocolate mousse. Transfer to a container that can stand in the freezer and leave for about an hour for soft serve, a couple of hours for icecream.

- Once frozen to your liking, take it out and servie with whatever toppings you want. I reckon dessicated coconut og chopped nuts with some syrup would be delicious, but I simply enjoyed it eu natural, with a little waffle heart on the side.

This contains a lot of healthy fats, plenty of vitamins, and it tastes absolutely delicious! You can have this as a dessert or even for lunch, seriously - enjoy!

I'll be making this again, probably really - hooked!

I also bought some mini poppadums the other day -

Next to them is an egg, just to show you how small they really are! I have been dry-frying them in a pan until they bubble up and go golden brown, perfect for dipping into guacamole, hummous or basically any other dip you can think of!

Today I'm going to see two of my friends, enjoy the sunshine and! T'is Sunday after all *smiles* And you? I hope you have a lovely day! What is your favourite ice cream recipe?

Recipe by yours truly,

- Jules


  1. HEI Julie!!! Endelig fikk jeg kommet meg inn hit. Jeg har det så travelt og så mye rart i livet nå, så blogg og blogglesing har bare blitt kuttet ned på.
    er alt bra med det?
    Ah, dette er så godt!!! Lagde min favoritt variant etter trening i kveld selv; avokado, dadler, en goood skje mandelsmør, vanilje og litt lønnesirup. Og så kakao da. Helt perfekt!

    1. Raaagnhild! <3 Hei :D Så kjekt du stakk innom ^ ^ Her har det vært en veldig stille og rolig uke så langt, men i morgen skal jeg ha kalas så da livner det nok til, håper du har hatt en fin start på uken også? :)

      Mmmm din sjoko-variant høres helt super ut også! Trenger bare en avocado så kunne jeg mekket meg det selv. Men det ble en skål med kanel og daddel havregrøt til kvelds i dag, var litt guffent ute, så trengte noe godt og varmt :) Kanskje det blir avokado-jakt til helgen ;) x

  2. Woah! This looks amazing! And so easy to make!
    I have made banana ice cream before but I think I'd like this soft serve much better! Can't wait to try it!

    I like vanilla ice cream the best. Good, old fashioned dairy vanilla ice cream although some vegan ice cream is almost as good!

    Thanks for the recipe!! :)

    1. I actually had this as dessert yesterday, but didn't have patience to put it in the freezer, so I just had it as a chocolate mousse, addicted! :D And three outta your five a day, you can't go wrong with that! The avocado makes it creamy without adding flavour, and since we use less banana it doesn't overpower the cocoa :D x
