Tuesday 22 July 2014

Grilled Peaches with Ricotta & Toasted Pistachios

Hey there! Yes you, why don't you come on over and keep reading, it will only take a few minutes, I promise.

And as will this lovely sweet treat that can work well as a breakfast as well as a fancy, light dessert. Perfect for a Summer evening after a big barbecue or dinner party.

I would say this dish is a mix between sweet and savoury, as the ricotta isn't particularly sweet, but that suited me juuuust fine, as the sweetness from the peach and the syrup was just enough to make it all come together nicely. Optionally instead of the ricotta, you can use a light cream cheese filling instead, using one tablespoon of soft cheese per person along with about 1 tsp or so of icing sugar - et voila! Or you could mix the agave or honey in with the ricotta/cream cheese instead, incorporating the sweet to the creamy topping.

It takes no more than 10 minutes to whip up - and that's a maximum! SHOULD you have any hints and tips on how to perfectly halve peaches, please let me know, and this one got a bit of a doing as I was trying to get to nice halves...I guess what the topping is for!

Grilled Peaches with Ricotta & Toasted Pistachios
(Serves 1, but easily multiplied for whoever many people!)

1 peach, stone and halved
about 1 tsp of (light) butter
1-2 tbsp dark runny honey or agave syrup
1 tbsp ricotta cheese (or soft cheese)
1-2 handful of shelled, unsalted pistachios

- Start by heating a griddle pan or turn up the grill on medium-hot.

- Rub the peach halved all over with the butter. And place either in the griddle pan on in the oven under the grill. Turn them after a couple of minutes if frying them, and then fry on the other side for a few minutes, or have them under the grill for five minutes, until soft and sweet.

- As the peaches are in the oven, lightly toast the pistachios.

- Once the peaches are done, top each with 1/2 tbsp ricotta cheese each and sprinkle over the toasted nuts and honey or agave, and it's ready to serve!

Original source:
From Season to Season, p. 179

- Jules


  1. Mmm så deilig! Fersken er altså så godt, men jeg har ikke smakt det grillet. Det må jeg prøve. Har du smakt de dough nut-ferskenene? De er mine favoritter :)
    Jeg håper du har fine sommerdager, det har vi virkelig i Norge. S og jeg var på stranden tredje dagen på rad i dag, så deilig!!
    Klem til deg

    1. God kveld Ragnhild!
      Dette var kjempegodt altså, jeg hadde de som en dessert utpå kvelden, så godt :D
      I dag tok jeg meg fri, og det gjorde jeg rett i, for her er det syden temperatur akkurat nå, og har vært det hele uken. Grillet med en venn i parken etter og ha gått hjem fra byen, og så koste vi oss ute i solen i timesvin. Har akkurat spist nesten en kvart vannmelon. Tenkte i dag at jeg hadde ikke hatt noenting imot og hoppe i sjøen akkurat i dag. Er liksom ikke den store fisken (liker helst og vasse langs strandlinjen, men er ingen strand her i byen) men i dag er det såååå varmt at jeg savnet det litt! Høres ut som du og Sidikou har kost dere gløgg ihjel altså, så kjekt :D Krysser fingrene for iallefall et par slike dager til eller hva? ;) x

    2. PS doughtnut fersken har jeg smakt! De er skikkelig søte og gode :D x
