Thursday, 19 June 2014

Mixed Mean Bean Burgers

Hello good people! It's the fourth day in a row of roasty toasty sunshine here, and it feels so good! Therefore, I have decided to continue the "barbecue" theme from yesterday's post, with some delicious vegetarian burgers!

Don't you love when friends and family suggest delicious recipes for you to try out? A little while ago, my friend sent me a link to some black bean burgers. Thankful for the thumbs up, I finally got to try my hands on these, and you know what? They were pretty darn tasty!

All I was missing was some leaves, guacamole and sala, because the flavours in these burgers calls for exactly that! Instead, I used a good bit of melted cheese, tomato sauce and basil pesto (it worked, actually!). These versatile burgers can go with most toppings of choice though, and the chilli gives them a bit of a kick!

Mixed Mean Bean Burgers
(Makes 3 patties)

I'd ran out of tomatoes - nooooo! And leaves, hence my addition of impromptu basil. This would be delicious with some barbecue sauce as well though! Under the bun, it's also a thick slice of melting mozzarella hiding - too shy to show itself!

1/2 cup panko crumbs
2tsp + 1 tbsp olive oil
400g can mixed beans or black beans, drained and rinsed
1 large egg
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 red or green chilli, deseeded and chopped
Handful cilantro or coriander
1 shallot, finely chopped
Toasted burger buns to serve, along with any of these toppings:
Cheese, pesto, ketchup, tomatoes, leaves, salsa, guacamole, soured cream, barbecue sauce, fried/fresh/crispy onions etc.

- Start by simply heating up 2 tsp oil in a large frying pan. Add the panko crumbe and toast for a couple of minutes until they start turning golden.

- In a mixing bowl, mash the beans, OR have the beans in along with all the remaining ingredients (including the panko) for the patties and use a stickblender to whizz until you have a fine, but still slightly textured mixture. You can of course keep them more rustic by just mashing together well with a masher. S'up to you! Now, the mixture might look a little gloopy, but fear not! Because we are going to make this look like the most veggie burgers you have ever seen!

- Now, heat the remaining oil in the large frying pan, and shape the burger mixture into three large patties. Fry for about 8-10 minutes all together, flipping a couple of times during this time, so they get evently golden and beautiful.

- Ready? Pop these bad boys into some tasty rolls, and douse with ALL the toppings you like!

You wouldn't think these bad boys were vegetarian! Oh, and to the right you see the little pattie I made out of the last bit of burger mixture, because a clever girl said just about a week or so ago that everything is better when it's miniature! I added a dollop of sour cream and ketchup, yum!

What's your favourite type of vegetarian burger? Got any good recipes to share?
I hope you have a great day!

Original source:

- Jules


  1. I've made Annie's black bean burgers too! SO GOOD! I love a solid recipe like this, especially with this nice weather. Yum!

    1. That's neat how we've tried the same recipe! Annie's seem like a rather popular place to find good recipes, and this was no exception :D
      I couldn't find black beans, so I had to used mixed - made no difference, still deeeeelicious :D I hope you have a great weekend Katrina! x

  2. Mmm, så godt dette ser ut! Veggisburgere er egentlig ganske undervurdert mat, det er jo kjempegodt. Jeg serverte faktisk veggisburgere i konfirmasjonen min for mange mange år siden, og jeg husker det var en knallsuksess. Selv bland mammes bonde-familie fra Valdres ;)
    Jeg håper du har en fin helg Julie. Kos deg!!

    1. Så kult! Ja, hadde en av de beste vegetariske burgerne noensinne for ikke så lenge siden, den heter "Heart of the Sunrise". Hadde aaaldri gjettet at den var vegetariansk! Skjønner godt det falt i smak hos familien din :)

      Har hatt en kjempefin helg og vært og campet og greier! Det er mange år siden jeg gjorde sist, men det var helt fantastisk... Sove ute i fri natur :) Håper du har hatt en god helg også! Gleder meg til og lese de nye innleggene dine :) x
